5 Ways to practice Mindfulness... Right NOW!

Here is a quick reminder of 5 ways you can be in mindfulness right away. Right now! 


  1. Stop what you are doing and take a breath. Focus on your breath for a few seconds. Counting your breaths is a good way to keep your focus.


  1. Take a moment to notice the sensation of your breath. Cool as it enters, warm as it exits. Where is your inhale sitting? Low abdomen? In your ribs? In your chest?


  1. Put Down Your Phone. Pick out an object or sound around you and draw your focus to it. Let all other sounds and objects disappear for a few seconds or a few minutes.


  1. Find a mindful moment in an everyday task. Sitting at your desk at work? Sitting on the couch at home? Stop all activity and just be in the present. Be one with the sounds around you. Take notice of what is happening around you at that moment. Just be!


  1. Draw your focus to a repetitive action in your daily routine. What do you do...without thinking? Do you remember HOW you got from your last location to this one? Recall your steps and notice the moves you had taken.


We hope you find some of these to be helpful in your daily pursuit to be mindful. Visit us often as we will continue to add fun tidbits, to add to your path.


Don't forget to check our The 5 Steps to Wellness Workbook on Amazon!

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